
Forest Growth and Land Cover Change Model

TerraChange is specifically developed to support management decision-making and predict land-use change and the resulting GHG emissions.

The model supports the following types of transitions:

  • Forest classes to different types of non-forest classes
  • Forest type A to forest type B
  • Non-forest classes to forest classes
  • Non forest classes to different non-forest classes

It combines state-of-the-art land-use change and forest dynamics (growth, regeneration and degradation) model. It explicitly captures activity-shifting leakage, and calculates baseline scenarios calibrated using data from a reference region. It can be used at any stage of project development: pre-feasibility, project design, or detailed project preparation and Project Document submission. TerraChange produces estimates of GHG emissions that have the highest possible accuracies, therefore supporting predictable results-based payments and minimizing under-delivery risks. The predictive maps produced by the model can be used to identify high risk areas and support submission to the VCS and CDM standards.

TerraChange has a flexible framework. Our software developers can tailor the model according to the projects requirements, conditions, and local management units.