Forest Carbon Markets and Communities, Global
About the Project
FCMC is a global project that was funded by the United States Agency for International Development. FCMC's core mission is to build technical capacity by developing tools and training that support USG contributions to the international architecture for REDD+. At the mission level, FCMC contributes to REDD+ readiness by enabling countries to access "pay-for-performance" finance and by identifying sustainable development options that represent "no-regrets" investments in climate change mitigation and adaption.
FCMC works across the full spectrum of REDD+, with thematic focuses on Finance and Carbon Markets, MRV, Social and Environmental Soundness, Low Emission Development Strategies, and Cross Cutting Issues and Coordination. FCMC is implemented by a consortium of partners including Tetra Tech (prime), Terra Global Capital, Conservation International, World Resources Institute, GHG Management Institute, and Landesa.
Terra Global's Role
Terra leads the Finance and Carbon Markets component of FCMC and supports work performed under the other components. As the lead for Finance and Carbon Markets Terra provides advice and support to USAID and the Department of State; initiatives with multilateral development banks, such as the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility; public-private partnerships, such as the Tropical Forest Alliance 2020; and developing country governments engaging in REDD+ finance and carbon markets, with a principle focus on Colombia. The assistance is tailored to identified needs and includes analysis of market developments, support to develop market standards, advice on countries’ readiness to participate in carbon markets, and development of new financial products.
Documents and Other Activities
- Assessment of options for including land use (and REDD+) in a future climate agreement. [Link: http://www.fcmcglobal.org/documents/Land_Use_In_ADP.pdf ]
- Assessment of emerging compliance markets for REDD+ covering market design and potential supply and demand, with customizable analytics available on the REDD Desk
- Analysis of Colombia’s readiness to participate in pay - for - performance and market - based mechanisms and attract private finance for REDD+
- Technical support and a series of issues papers for the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility ’s Carbon Fund to advance their methodological framework used to quantify emission reductions and removals. Terra Global's contributions to issues papers #4, #5 and #13 can be found at the Forest Carbon Partnership website
- Review of US Experiences with Results-based Finance
- Analysis of forests and offsets under the California cap-and-trade program and implications for institutional investors.
- Support to the REDD Desk to develop online content on REDD+ markets and standards
- Research and analysis to support US Government engagement in the Tropical Forest Alliance 2020 (forthcoming)
- Development of a guidance document for the Verified Carbon Standard Jurisdictional and Nested REDD+ standard (forthcoming)
- Support to USAID’s Development Credit Authority to develop a loan guarantee for debt finance for REDD+